Sunday, March 31, 2013

Semana Santa in Sevilla

Semana Santa is Holy Week in Sevilla. It is one of the two things the city is known for. These are the pasos I went to see. 

Las Cigarreras
Tt is from the the brotherhood of cigarette makers. They had two bands, two pasos, floats, and over 400 people. They had to turn a corner and I was the corner. I actually got stepped on twice. 
This is the start of the procession. This is the traditional dress of the brotherhoods. Each one has its own color.

This is the paso. It is over 500 years old and solid wood. It is being carried by about 40 men up under and it weights about a ton or more.

The Virgin Mary, she is part of the same procession.

El Gran Poder
This is one of the  more famous one. It left its church at 1 AM to go to the cathedral. The streets were packed and a lot of people had been waiting hours to see it. 

This procession of the brotherhood. My friends and I managed to get in the second row for this one. If may be hard to tell but each of them is holding a candle that is about 3 feel long.

This is Jesus carrying the cross. It is also being carried but men underneath it.

La Macarena
This may be the most famous one of all the pasos. It's procession is 14 hours long. This Virgin Mary is one of the prides of the Sevilla. 

There 6 life sized wooden figures on this paso. I can't image carrying it with the weight on my neck.

Here she comes!!!

La Macarena, she was amazing. It was worth the wait. By this time it was after 4 AM

This is only a small section of the people waiting for the pasos.

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