Sunday, March 31, 2013

Semana Santa in Sevilla

Semana Santa is Holy Week in Sevilla. It is one of the two things the city is known for. These are the pasos I went to see. 

Las Cigarreras
Tt is from the the brotherhood of cigarette makers. They had two bands, two pasos, floats, and over 400 people. They had to turn a corner and I was the corner. I actually got stepped on twice. 
This is the start of the procession. This is the traditional dress of the brotherhoods. Each one has its own color.

This is the paso. It is over 500 years old and solid wood. It is being carried by about 40 men up under and it weights about a ton or more.

The Virgin Mary, she is part of the same procession.

El Gran Poder
This is one of the  more famous one. It left its church at 1 AM to go to the cathedral. The streets were packed and a lot of people had been waiting hours to see it. 

This procession of the brotherhood. My friends and I managed to get in the second row for this one. If may be hard to tell but each of them is holding a candle that is about 3 feel long.

This is Jesus carrying the cross. It is also being carried but men underneath it.

La Macarena
This may be the most famous one of all the pasos. It's procession is 14 hours long. This Virgin Mary is one of the prides of the Sevilla. 

There 6 life sized wooden figures on this paso. I can't image carrying it with the weight on my neck.

Here she comes!!!

La Macarena, she was amazing. It was worth the wait. By this time it was after 4 AM

This is only a small section of the people waiting for the pasos.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Morocco Part 2

Coke in Arabic

Lunch: Before

Lunch: After

The tents we slept in. There were like 25 people in this tent and that was another one just like it on the other side of camp.

Me, my camel and my turban. My camel's name was Bob Marley

The after camel ride foot soak in the pool

My friend Sage and I in the desert

Our driver Sage, me and Trevor

Monkeys in Africa

Friday, March 29, 2013

Morocco Part 1

The time we left

Rock of Gibraltar

Handmade rugs

Handmade cloth

Natural Herbs

They are making leather the natural way
Making pottery

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Cordoba and Granada

This city is know for its Cathedral that was a Mosque before the Christians reconquered the city. 

He has his back to the alter,

The high Alter


800 year old Muslim castle

Me and my friends, that is an 800 years old castle/ fort in the background

Where we saw a flamenco show. It was very tiny as you can see

This is the top of the tomb of Queen Isabella of Castile, its not the greatest picture but I was not suppose to be taking it to begin with

The graves of Isabella and Ferdinand and their daughter and her husband

Isahella's crown

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Hampton Court and the British Museum

Hampton Court
Of all the places I visited this was one of my favorites. There was so much history there. It was originally built by a Cardinal during Henry VIII's reign. Henry took it over after he started the Church of England. It was HUGE!! It is said to be haunted and even the tours talk about strange things that happen in certain places. This is where Catherine Howard was before she was taken to the Tower of London to be beheaded. 
In front of Hampton Court

Henry VIII in a stained glass window

The Great Hall, tapestries are over 500 years old.

Me sitting in the King's chair in the Great Hall

Me and Henry, I thought he was a ghost when I first saw him

Me and Henry's picture. This was taken in the hallway that is suppose to be haunted by Cathrine Howard

British Museum
The museum was really cool. They had a lot of amazing things that the British have "collected" over the years. I am going to go against most of the world here and say that the layout of it was bad. I got lost a few times and had to ask for directions. I recommend seeing it but make sure you understand the map.

Me and the British

My friend Alexander the Great and me. You may have heard of him.

Just hanging with some mommies

Saturday, March 9, 2013

More London pictures

Phantom of the Opera
This was so worth the money! It was a great show and the actors were amazing. 
View from my seat before the show started.

Me and the stage at the end of the show. You couldn't take pictures during it

Platform 9 3/4 
This is where Harry Potter left for Hogwarts. There was a line of Muggles waiting to see if any of us could get in. 
They even had glasses you could put on to look even for like him

The set up
It had an Egyptian theme through out the store.

You know you're somewhere class when there is someone singing opera to the customers.
This is the memorial to Princess Diana and Doli Fayed in Harrods (his father owns it). It was very nice. People were coming to pay their respects to them. It also has the ring he was going to give her. Sadly, the two pictures I took looked good on my camera but didn't turn out. I will say this, it was a heck of a ring.